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For the first time in 2018, Krtek COEF participated in the Pediatric Oncology Days (POD) event. The symbol of POD is a golden ribbon. Proceeds from the sale go to support science and research for the treatment of childhood cancer.

In Western Europe, Pediatric Oncology Day is set by the International Society for Pediatric Malignancies (Société Internationale d´Oncologie Pédiatrique – SIOP) at 15 February, and in the United States, the entire month of September is dedicated to pediatric oncology each year.

The main goals of POD are to spread awareness of the problem of oncological diseases in children and young adults, to introduce advances in cancer treatment with an emphasis on personalized treatment, and to pay homage to pediatric patients and their families. 

The year 2023 was a turning point – for the first time, individual oncology departments in Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava and other cities were involved and a nationwide event called Days of Children’s Oncology was created.

Non-profit organisations at these centres prepared a rich programme for patients and the public. The situation of children with cancer continues to improve and the results of treatment confirm that the Czech Republic is among the world leaders. Approximately 350 children fall ill here every year, and 85% of them are successfully cured.

  • More information is available from here.
  • A look back at last year’s event here

Important links:

We appreciate the kind cooperation with the patient organization Together We Smile

And who is behind this organization? “We are young people who are dealing with the minor or major consequences of oncological disease treatments we received during childhood or adolescence in our daily lives, but who, above all, try to look at the world in a positive way and tend to spread the hope of recovery further.

[Cit. 2020-04-01]. Available from: https://www.spolecnekusmevu.cz/o-nas/.

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